Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Final Epilogue Finale

Piett: t?

[Piett looks around, and finds that he is, once again, in a dark room hooked up to tubes and wires and being kept in place against his will.]


[Just as he screams, a loud alarm signals, and several lights illuminate the room he is in. As it turns out, Piett is locked inside a giant tank of pink goo, connected to tubes and wires, and as the signal goes off the tank opens up and spills its contents onto the cold yet bright white floor. Piett slides out, the tubes and wires disconnecting from his body parts one last time, and he crashes into a wall.]

[And he's wearing pants, so calm down I'm not providing anymore naked visuals.]

Piett: What the.......Lucas be damned, I cannot believe that was all fake! AGAIN!! All those deaths, all those....how.....wait a minute.....

[Piett, now back on his feet, holds his head and tries to gain his composure.]

Piett: It wasn't fake. [looks around] But how do I know that?! [pause] Oh, ok, that's--wait a minute, who just said that?!?

[Suddenly a door slides open, and a white-suited figure Piett thought he'd never see again emerges.]

Herve: DUDE!!!

Piett: Holy shit! Herve?!?

[Herve runs toward, arms extended, and Piett returns the favor with extended arms of his own. But they don't, as Herve skids to a full stop before he reaches Piett.]

Herve: Oh, maybe when you clean yourself up we can hug.

Piett: Or not.

Herve: ....you have to clean yourself up, dude, this pink junk kinda smells terrible.

Piett: I meant not hug.

Herve: Oh. [kinda dejected?] Ok.

Piett: Herv, where the hell are we?!

Herve: I think we're dead.

Piett: Yeah, ok, we're dead. [pause] Although it explains why everything's white and sleek yet bland.

Herve: I got blown up pretty fucking awful, man. Pretty sure I don't come back from that.

Piett: You REMEMBER that?!?

Herve: Of course. I remember the whole thing. And despite what you might've seen, I did NOT tear up before I died.

Piett: Sure. So.....we're dead.

Herve: Yes.

Piett: And this is....Heaven?

Herve: Or Hell.


Piett: Or Limbo?

Herve: With all the crazy shit we've seen, we could be anywhere.

Piett: And maybe not dead. We've seen a LOT, so until I get confirmation I'm not totally buying the dead thing just yet.

[The door slides open again.]

Herve: Well, that's pretty conclusive.

Jesus: Hey guys.

Piett and Herve: JESUS CHRIST!

Jesus: Boy, that never gets old.

Piett: Jesus, we're REALLY sorry about that whole.....you know....second death thing.

Jesus: Eh, it happens. Trust me, once these things [holds up his hands] get nailed once, you're pretty much numb to it for good after that.

Herve: But you died.

Jesus: No, I was just resting.

Piett [aside to Herve]: Did Jesus just reference a Python joke?

Herve: Yes. Greatest thing EVER.

Jesus: It was the space station blowing the crap up that killed me. And you didn't do that, so no hard feelings. Now come on, let's get going.

Piett: Going? Where?

Herve: To Heaven, dude. We're dead, remember?

Piett: Are we really dead?

Jesus: Just about. This is Limbo, so I guess you could technically be alive too.

Herve: Shit, dude, you called it!

Piett: I didn't mean to, but I guess I did. This *is* Limbo.

Jesus: So come on, let's go meet up with the others.

Piett: Others?

[Jesus, not one for patience or waiting.....which seems to fly in the face of, like, everything they taught at Sunday school about the guy.....leads the 2 out of the bright white room and into a bright white hallway. A snap of his fingers cleans Piett up and clothes him in a white suit, similar to his old Imperial admiral uniform, and they walk toward an open area, where several other figures (also wearing white - seeing the theme here?) await. To Piett's shock....he knows every single one of them, for it seems he's entered a waiting room of Quantum Piett allies and ....and even foes, as the 2 most closest to them in the room, who exclaim loudly and salute them with glasses of wine, prove.]

HG Wells and Landozzel: AYYYYY!!!!

Piett: Oh holy shit, no.

Landozzel: Welcome, old bean. Good to see you made it.

Piett: Ok, clearly I didn't "make it" in the ultimate sense of the term, as we are, apparently, dead. But you two....you were villains last I saw you. And *YOU* [points at HG Wells] were inside out!

HG Wells: Seems I got better.

Landozzel: Yes. This place restores you to some earlier version, where things aren't petty and evil.

Piett: Is it just the recent dead who are here, or...?

[Landozzel and HG Wells extend their arms toward the remaining crowd, and Piett soon sees for himself how assorted this group truly is. Nearby, Supreme Pontiff Hook converses with The Pastor, who bless Piett (then chuckle) as he walks by. Ben the Spider-Man and Tom Arnold approach and they all shake hands like old friends would. In a far corner, George Gaynes waves vociferously as he is flanked by Cecil and James Cameron. Even Tarkin, standing alone, darkly glares but nonetheless nods his greetings. The Webmaster and Dot Com, holding hands, wave politely and embrace. He and Herve acknowledge others as they walk past a confused and very irriated old (dead) woman.]

Bea Arthur: Does anyone know or CARE how long I've been here?! I died in real life months ago yet they kept me hanging around here so I could reunite with fictional characters?!? Christ...Jackson got in quicker than I did, and he had sex with young men!

Brainia: Well, to be fair, so did you.

Bea Arthur: What?! No, that's disgusting!!

Brainia: Oh, I'm sorry. Women, then?

Bea Arthur: You sick little broad, *I'm* a woman! I had sex with men!

Brainia: Shit, really?? I just thought you were a very butch gay man.

Witchgirl: You couldn't tell she was a woman? [hugs her from behind] That brain's gone all soft, babe. But I still love you.

Booster Rocket: Oh, and don't they love each other. They've just been banging the whole time we've been here.

Herve: Typical. I always miss all the hot lesbian banging.

Booster Rocket: Oh, trust me, it was a bit much.

Jungle Girl: Even for you, sweetheart?

Booster Rocket: I know. I've always been sexist, but even *I* have my limits.

Jungle Girl [turns to the other women with them]: So he's out of the big gangbang. Guess it's a 4-way with just us girls then.

Kara Power: Oh, absolutely.

Witchgirl and Brainia: Sweet!

Booster Rocket [sighs]: Me and my big mouth.

Jungle Girl: Ooh, that's right. Big mouth. Ok, girls, he's back in.

Booster Rocket: Woohoo!

Piett: Hey, wait....Madchen Amick?!

Madchen Amick: What? Do you know why I'm here? Seriously, one minute I'm alive and then I'm dead and....wherever this is.

Herve: Limbo. [to Piett] Holy crap, dude, that was your first Quantum girlfriend from like 10 years ago!

Madchen Amick: Quantum what? Someone please tell me what's happening here. I want to know if my family is ok.

Piett: You don't remember me........Ishmael? Uh, I mean Firmus?

Madchen Amick: I can honestly say I don't even remember you.

Herve: Ouch.

Madchen Amick: Oh, no insult meant. I'm just a notorious whore in my personal relationships, so I've dated and done so many people between you & I being together and right now, that I really don't even remember you. At all.

[Considerably awkward pause.]

Herve: I'm still saying "ouch" to that.

[Piett walks away quickly to avoid anymore awkwardness.]

Herve: Doesn't remember you. I guess we call that....Quantum withdrawal? [pause] Man, wish more people had that. [pause] And to be fair, I didn't remember her either. I'm impressed Walsh did.

Piett: You don't forget her, man. She did this thing......with her.......upside down.....wow.....maybe I should go--

Lucy: Hi.

Piett: Oh. Hey.

Herve: Oh my. [runs away]

Piett: So....you're here too?

Lucy: Looks like it. Figured I'd be dead along with my brother.

Piett: Your brother.....did this?

Lucy: Apparently. From what [points to Jesus, who's apparently found a friendly audience with actor William Daniels] told me, my brother is very much gone. Forever.

Piett: But....isn't he the Devil?

Lucy: Yeah. Hell's gone too. It's just one game in town now...and I guess we're all heading there now.

Piett: Everyone? [looks at a few of the nefarious folk nearby] Really?

Lucy: Yup. I guess given these...bizarre circumstances, it looks like He's gonna waive the usual rules and let us ALL in.

Piett: Wow. So.....where's that leave us?

Lucy: Well, all the evil awful stuff I felt is....gone now, it seems, and we'll probably be seeing each other a lot up there for the rest of....well ever, so......friends?

Piett: Sure. That works. [they shake hands...then immediately make out]

Lucy: Wow.

Piett: I know.

Lucy: Friends with benefits?

Piett: It's still friends.

[They make out more. Herve, from across the room, is with several other allies and friends.]

Herve: Oh my God, she's eating his face!!!

George Gaynes: No, they're kissing.

Herve: Well, that's ending nicely. Again.

Ben the Spider-Man: Yeah, because it worked so well the first time.

[Herve kicks Ben the Spider-Man in the dick.]

Webmaster: Whoa, geez, what was that for?!

Herve: That was for that crack about you having allies in heaven and then dying after you insulted us from like 20 stories ago, you bastard!!

Ben the Spider-Man: When did....[vomits]....that happen?!?

Tom Arnold: Yeah. He died wacking off to porn too much.

Herve: You can DIE from that?!

Tom Arnold: He found a way.

Herve: Oh wait, I was thinking of that other alternate universe which didn't technically happen or whatever the fuck that plot twist was. Shit, sorry 'bout that, Ben. [helps him up]

Jesus: Ok everybody, it's time to go....

[Everyone gathers together, as a sleek escalator appears out of nowhere. Bea Arthur, fed up with this foolishness, is first and walks up at quite a pace.]

Jesus: Everyone follow the angry man walking 2 steps at a time. It's time to go to Heaven.

Piett: We've been to Heaven.

Herve: Several times.

Jesus: But you were able to leave. You can't now. It's over, Johnny, it's over.


Piett: Jesus Christ....Jesus Christ is quoting Python *and* Rambo in the same story? I have lived long enough.

Herve: I wasn't quoting anyone.

Piett: Dude......let it go.

[The crowd of characters start filing up the escalator. The first few walk, disappearing into the bright light above, while others are lazy and just stand there pissing off those stuck behind them who can't get around.]

Herve: So this is it, man. We're clearly dead.

Piett: Yeah....I guess we are.

Herve: Any regrets?

Piett [holding Lucy's hand]: No, not really.

Herve: Alright then. Let's go.

[As HG Wells and Landozzel turn back and wave as they walk up the stairs into the great unknown, Jesus walks Piett, Lucy and Herve onto the escalator.]

Herve: Heh. It's an actual stairway to heaven. That just hit me now.

Lucy: Wow, you are as slow and dumb as ever. [hugs him] Never change.

[They ascend toward the light. Piett looks down over the edge of the moving stairs, into a dark abyss.]

Piett: What's that down there?

Jesus: Oblivion. Or not. Don't really know, it's a great vast unknown and I prefer it stay that way.

[Piett nods, then looks back down into the darkness, then to Herve, then to Lucy. Finally, he sighs.]

Piett: ...........I have to do this, don't I?

Lucy: Do what?

[Without explanation, Piett kisses Lucy's cheek and leaps off the escalator, into the void below.]

Lucy: WHAT?!?!

Herve: OH MY GOD!!!!

Jesus: ME!!!!!!

Lucy: That asshole just jumped! [pause] He could've had ME for eternity, yet he chose jumping into a dark void!!

Herve: Shit, dude, seriously?! Where's that go?!

Jesus: I.....I just said I don't know!!


Herve: Oh fuck this!!!

[Herve climbs up and jumps down into the void as well.]

Jesus: AAHHHH!!!

Lucy: They BOTH JUMPED?!?!?! To their deaths?!?

Jesus: I.......I have no idea what just happened!! [pause] And it feels awesome! Oh man, thousands of years and nothing has amazed me more than those 2 doing that!

Lucy: What.....how......well, screw those 2, I'm going up to Heaven.

Jesus: Cool.

Lucy: You're not leaping behind after them? Some sorta neverending cosmic chase to get them back?

Jesus: Shit no. I have no idea where they went. And all my stuff is in Heaven. [pause] You know, I've never had a hot redhead over to my apartment before.

Lucy: Are you serious. The Son of God is hitting on me?

[Jesus nods, and Lucy smirks.]

Lucy: My brother would absolutely adore this if he was here right now.

Jesus: And your brother is....?

Lucy: Seriously.


Lucy: ......James Gandolfini. My brother is the guy who played Tony Soprano.

Jesus: Uh, ok. And why would he care in particular about this?

Lucy: Oh Jesus....[takes him by the arm]....the fun we are gonna have...

[And as they ascend, the light overwhelms them and they are gone. The players have entered the light....and entered the darkness. The tale has comes to its conclusion, whether it will continue or not is unknown. But lo, there even comes a time when the adventures of Quantum Piett.........

Piett: Huh. This really is a void. [pause] Well, I have fucked up here somethin' awful.



-Sean Walsh, 11/25/09

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Armageddon Spectacular, Book 5: The...END?!

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth. Many earths. Many many earths. He created all life and every detail of it, in an array of dimensions and universes, to infinite perfection.

....then he took a day off and left managing it all to someone else.

That's where we came in.

The kingdom of Natori-Vilal was the initial collection of powers that ensured the universe and all in it and around it ran smoothly. Over time, several beings were dispatched throughout it to watch over it....to guide and protect it. Their names don't even register with me anymore. They were lost over the countless eons, to a variety of manners, or still traverse the cosmic trails today.

I do not care.

But in the end, all it came down to was just 2. The masters of Space and Time, granted superlative power over all others. And over the endless billions of years we amassed more and more power. Those who could not handle their powers gave them to us, and we usurped the powers of those we felt would harm Creation. Under our watchful eyes, universes went through their natural progression - they were born, and then they died. To us, the complexities of the fabric of existance were like basic math and spelling skills are to an educated child. We evolved beyond evolution, became beings that could create and kill upon a touch or with the merest of thoughts.

Then we got lazy. Horribly lazy. We felt it was necessary to use the beings that inhabited our universes to help us guard and patrol them. Such little things, such selfish, vile and sadistic things! All their weaknesses, all their imperfections....yet they fulfilled their meager tasks with acceptable results.

We trusted them, enabled them....even cared for them.

And thus our own weakness was revealed. We were not perfect. We were not gods. We saw mortals in a biased light of ignorance and compassion. Our emotions overcame us and reduced us to their levels.

But we had the power. Oh, and such power! The power to take all and crush it, to reshape it as we wanted. Galaxies could be erased with ease, whole lifeforms could be created and uncreated at our whim. We ran unchecked and could bring all that we surveyed under our control!

Then you happened, Firmus Piett. You and your.....love affair.

You were nothing more than just another minion. You and your friend Herve, a cosmic curiosity himself but insignificant in the end. But then you somehow seducing the Hellion herself, and aroused once more the attention of......the Holy Vacationer.

He suddenly saw us for what we were. MONSTERS, he cried out in his great bolded voice! And he reduced our powers infinitely! No longer could we run our unwielded power across the depths of space and time. We were....emasculated. Mere caretakers who watched from afar and sent others to do our work for us.

We needed the power..........because it fueled us, because it FED us. It was a hunger we could not live without! And unlike most others, you and Herve fulfilled our hunger the best. Your pointlessness and insipidness somehow became more delicious and nourishing as the years progressed. Your "ridiculous battles" across the timelines and timescapes served no real purpose beyond satiating our hunger. But despite this appreciation of your imaginative talents and situations, you were nothing more than useful tools to us in the end.

Chronos: And now.....we come to the end. The fulfillment of a billion billion years. Our sordid back story....[scoops up the fragmented remains of Cosmos' skull]....well, our back story....[tosses it away].....is the last thing you will ever hear.


Chronos: No snappy comeback. I'm almost sad, if I could bother to remember what that emotion was anymore.

[Piett, still overcome by the events of the last few minutes, sits crumpled on the floor amongst Jim Ferr, his dasughters and the Webmaster.]

Webmaster: You'll excuse him if he justed watch his best friend die, you bastard!

Chronos: And I killed mine yet still managed to get through that diatribe. I tire of this. Pick them up.

[HG Wells, the Man-Mammoth and Super Collider surround the heroes and lift them to their feet.]

Jim Ferr: You can't kill us like this! We don't even know why, Lucy....why?!?

Lucy: I'm the fucking devil, you idiot. In all the years we were together, you never say this inevitability coming?!

Chronos: He's a mere mortal, my love. [caresses her midsection] Oh, the tale of how this happened...

Lucy: Dearest, I'm afraid you're falling for the classic villainous trick of overexplaining your side of things and your nefarious plans.

Piett: Tell me. [yells] TELL ME!!!

Chronos [smirks]: But he asked so rudely. Let me torture him.

[Lucy silently smiles as he chuckles.]

Chronos: You see, Piett, no one master of the continuum can exist without the other. When I myself died those several years ago, Cosmos had my sister Chronosia to fill the void of my death. But when my sister died at his irresponsible hands, that convinced me that I needed a stronger companion. One not able to die so easily, or to kill without much thought put into it. I needed a better mate. And a female one, because even a cosmic superpower gets lonely and has needs. So who better to pick than your dear Lucy. A woman of absoulte perfection, whose only flaw was......her own mate. So I got in her ear, as you'd say, and convinced her to change her demands of him, ever so slightly, until finally her imperfect mortal mate abandoned her. And when you stumbled back into her life, and ended up destroying the very realm of Hell as a result - an event that somehow bypassed the watchful eye of [points up] - I preserved her in this device, a cosmic suspension which would both keep her flawless personage intact and also rewrite her very essence to be able to house and control the powers we Natori-Vilali were created to possess. I then decided to abandon my own "mate," Cosmos, by driving him over the brink of stereotypical evil madness, until finally he was broken in both body and mind, where I connected Lucy's suspension tank to his dying body and transferred his power into her rebuilt body.

[Chronos genuflects to his mistress of space, and they mock Piett with a callous and overly dramatic make-out session. If Herve was still alive, even HE'D roll his eyes and not be turned on by it. Well, maybe a little turned on.]

Wells: Can we finish this, master? [Chronos waves his hand in approval] Excellent. Man-Mammoth, make them watch this.....Super Collider! KILL the children!

Super Collider: Wait, what? Oh........no, no I can't kill them. Look at 'em. They're so adorable.

[Brooke and Tracie giggle and do other cute baby stuff.]

Super Collider: Awwwwww seriously, so cute!

Wells: Fool! Obey me!

Super Collider: Killing kids was never part of the--

[Suddenly Brooke and Tracie pull 2 large sharp objects - almost like knitting needles - out of the napsack and forcibly stab Super Collider in the neck.]


Jim Ferr: How can he be screaming and yelling so much with those 2 things jammed on both sides of his neck? He should be dead by now. And when did you start knitting, Ashley? This just makes no sen--


[Super Collider continues his horrific death throes, as the napsack slips around his arm and he struggles to remove the 2 needles from his bloodied neck. Jim Ferr runs to get his children, but a sudden pulse blasts from the Super Collider's cybernetically enhanced body and sends him and all others within reach flying back. He stumbles back toward the windows of the bridge, as sparks begin to fly and more pulse waves emit from him.]

Super Collider: No.......malfunctions corrupting........failure to.....contain....EXPLOOOOOOOODE!!!!

[Suddenly the Super Collider's black hole vortex, now unchecked and under no living being's control, erupts and rocks the entire bridge with a massive explosion (or rather, implosion?), destroying a radius of about 50 feet around him in the interior of the bridge. Ship claxons alarm and the entire ship begins to shake and lose control of its own navigation abilities, as everyone within the ship feels the hideously cold void of outer space. The Super Collider, with the 2 children still on him, falls out into the depths of space and toward the Earth.

Everyone within the ship, all of whom are positioned far enough away, feel the tug of anti-gravity and hold onto something....anything....for dear life. A chain of people forms - despite their opposing alliegances, the time for conflict has been very much paused for all present. At the very end of this chain of struggling survivors is the Man-Mammoth, whose giant mutated hands quickly lose their grip on Piett's leg, and he falls. But Piett catchs him, by the tusk, and holds on. But the strength of the void's suction is too much; however, instead of Piett's grip loosening, his grip stays firm and it is Man-Mammoth's very tusk that begins to tear out of his face. He yells in pain, until finally the tusk is pulled completely out, and the behemoth mutant plummets out of the ship. Emergency shields finally activate and seal off the bridge, but they are a bit too late for at least one, as the Man-Mammoth is consumed by the cold embrace of deep space.

With gravity restored, the momentum of Piett's arm sends the tusk flying out of his hands, and towards HG Wells.]

HG Wells: No.

[The tusk rams straight through his head, and after sending his body careening against the ravaged main console of the ship, HG Wells' body twitches moves for the final time.]

Chronos: Damnable fools. This is the LAST time I put any trust in your mortal men.

[Chronos sends an energy blast toward the heroes, still recovering from the cosmic calamity, which knocks them to and fro. Jim Ferr tries to attack, but Chronos blasts again and sends him flying to the other side of the damaged bridge. Ashley is next, but she is stopped by Lucy Ferr and backhanded to the ground. The Webmaster summons several small bullet points out of thin air and hurls them at the masters of time and space, but they stop them in mid-air and send them careening back at the cyberspacial guru. They pierce and tear through his body and he falls to the ground, his life now very much in question. They finally descend on Piett, who is still down and not yet recovered.]

Chronos: And so it comes to this. [rolls up his sleeves] I'm going to do something that should've been done long ago.

[He savagely kicks Piett in the face.]

Chronos: Beat some sense into you.

[As his lover Lucy looks on gleefully, Chronos proceeds to just lay a beating down on Piett. Off to the side, Jim Ferr tends to his dasughter Ashley, but she shrugs him off and instead directs him to tend to the dying Webmaster. Jim complies and takes the Webmaster in his arms.]

Jim Ferr: It's ok, Webmaster, you'll be fine.

Webmaster: No....[coughs up blood]....no, this is the end for me...

Jim Ferr: Oh geez, don't say that man. What do I do? What can I do to help you?

Webmaster: There's.....there's one chance. When I came back to....all this....I had a wish....a wish I couldn't use....until there was desperation...this is that moment, and I knew.....I knew it'd take me dying to get it to work......you are that chance, Jim....

Jim Ferr: What are you...? Me? Are you saying I'm our only chance? But I'm nobody, I'm--

Webmaster: Nobody? Oh, my friend.....you don't know...? [coughs] Heh. Looks like I missed a retcon.

Jim Ferr: Wha?

Webmaster: You're our only hope now.....and I wish.....wish you to.....[pulls Jim Ferr closer]....remember....

[Lucy turns from Chronos' beating and toward the duo, feeling something.....terrible.]

Lucy: What--?!

[The Webmaster's life slips away, and suddenly a powerful burst of mystical energy erupts from his very mouth. All around him are affected. Lucy is first to feel the effects, as she shudders and falls to the ground. Suddenly, her brother Jim Ferr bursts into flames and screams, but instead of being destroyed by the flames, they engulf him....and rebuild him. Gone goes the form of man, and arises its in place....The Boss. His howls of pain turn into howls of anger and hate, as his powers recollect themselves and abandon his sister, now powerless.]

Boss: YOU......YOU!!!!!

Lucy Ferr: No......it can't......no.......NO!!!!!!!

[With a rage unlike any that's ever been seen, the Boss explodes in anger and sends all his furious hellpowers toward his dear sister Lucy. She tries to shield herself, but even the mistress of space has no chance of survival, and the flames of Hell unleashed consume her and incinerate her completely. There is literally nothing left of her when the Boss's rage finally subsides.]

Chronos: What? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

[Chronos screams and runs, stumbling and falling to the ground where his Lucy once lay.]

Ashley: No!!!!

[Ashley suddenly begins to fade away, the effects of the mystical burst now affecting her. Because her father is now the Boss, and was never the simple human Jim Ferr, she is ceasing to exist.]

Piett: Oh no, NO!

[The weakened Piett reaches out to her, but Ashley's hand evaporates and she vanishes into non-existance.

And just outside the ship, the Earth itself blinks out of existance, its ravage destruction by a newly born black hole muted to the ears of man by the rules of astrophysics.]

Chronos: No, the Earth! NOOO!!! The Super Collider....his fall.....his powers erupted and destroyed the Earth...DESTROYED MY EARTH!!!! [falls to his knees] That was to be my kingdom.....[looks to where Lucy Ferr was destroyed].....our kingdom. To rule the multiverse....a multiverse I would recreate....just for her.....

[As he sobs, the Boss walks up to him.]

Boss: This ends.

Chronos: Yes. [with tears in his eyes] Yes it does.

[Without a shred of regret, the Boss sends 2 eyebeams of molten hell straight through Chronos' head. The Boss walks away from his fallen corpse, which decays and blows away into dust, and toward a very injured Piett.

Around them, outside the ship, the very stars begin to disappear. Some fade, others blink out, other burst into atoms - the distortion of time itself failing allows the human eyes to see things that would take eons to travel through the vastness of the universe. With no semblance of space and time anymore, their masters now atomized into nothingness, the universe around them is dying. And outside its realm, other universes die as well. The fabric of space and time begins to unravel. Whole parts of the cosmos are literally falling apart. The blackness of space begins to peel away and turn white.

The Executor II slowly turns from the location of the destroyed space station and toward the black hole void that was once the Earth below them. Unable to function on its own, it slowly descends into its oblivion. Its once majestic form breaks apart and is torn asunder.

The Boss stands over a injured Piett, who is coughing up blood and clearly not doing very well at all.]

Piett: So.....this is it, huh?

Boss: Yes. This is the end of everything. [looks down] Are you afraid?

Piett: Scared.....[coughs up blood].....shitless.

Boss: Hrm. Even to the end, your....character remains. [smirks]

Piett: Oh, just end it already.

Boss: Not quite. [looks out into space] Oblivion...and other developments...have claimed whatever passion I had toward wanton death. It's not just the end of you, it's the end of me as well. There is no Hell, there is no hate. This is the only place I have left, and now there is only the coming void to embrace us all. So why not do one last thing....to make amends.

Piett: [coughs] What.....what do you....

[The Boss kneels down and places his hand on Piett's head. Around them, everything fades to white.]

Piett: Heh. S'funny.

Boss: What?

Piett: I died here once, on this ship....long timeago, far far away...who die here again?

Boss: Heh. [closes his eyes] Not quite.

Piett: Wha