Monday, April 2, 2012

The Obscure Ones: PROLOGUE

[Early 2012. Beneath the United States Capitol building in Washington DC, 2 figures suddenly appear and quickly beging lurking around in relative silence. Within a few moments, they are at their destination: the crypt of the US Capitol. Originally intended to be the burial place of George Washington, it is now the home of a historical and presidential museum, and also serves as the home to 13 statues that represent the original colonies. The 2 beings move toward the middle of the crypt, and, confident that they are alone, break their silence.]

Herve: So you're saying this place isn't what it appears to be?
Piett: Yup. History says that Washington's body couldn't be reinterred here when it was finally built, but as you're about to witness, truth says....something different.

[Piett and Herve reach a marble compass in the middle of the room; geographically, it is the exact point where the 4 quadrants of the District of Columbia meet. Piett grabs the compass and, in what looks like a herculean feat of strength, begins to twist and turn the dials around.]

Herve: Jesus, that Shake Weight shit works miracles!
Piett: It's paper mache. Lightweight as hell.
Herve: Really? [looks around] Well, then these Do Not Touch signs work miracles!

[The dials suddenly stop moving and a loud series of clicks, whirs and grinding eminate from underground. They move only slightly at the sounds, all around them, echo throughout the empty corridors of the crypt. Then, with a furious vigor, over 30 devices loudly break through the stone floor and emerge into sight. Each device is labelled with a name, and Herve's eyes widen as he identifies many of them, and points at one in particular.]

Herve: Holy Magna Carta, Piett! It's.....these are....that's...!!
Piett: Toldja the truth says something different, Herve. It says that George Washington is very much here and has been for a long time.....and so is every single other dead president.
Herve: So.....we're doing this? Really doing this?!
Piett: Indeed. It's time to resurrect....

[Long dramatic pause!]

Piett: ....the weird ones.


Herve: Wait, what?! be continued...

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